Showing posts with label thy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thy. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

Turkish Airlines Begins Aircraft Maintenance Partnership with Emirates Airlines

THY (Turkish Airlines) has announced that it has begun providing aircraft maintenance services to Emirates Airlines. The new agreement is part of THY's efforts to expand its maintenance services to other airlines around the world.
Under the agreement, THY will provide a range of maintenance services to Emirates Airlines, including scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, repair and overhaul, and component services. The maintenance will be carried out at THY's state-of-the-art maintenance, repair and overhaul facility in Istanbul.

"We are thrilled to be partnering with Emirates Airlines on this important project," said a spokesperson for THY. "Our facility in Istanbul is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by highly trained technicians, which makes it an ideal location for providing maintenance services to airlines from around the world."

This new partnership is expected to benefit both airlines, with Emirates Airlines gaining access to THY's top-of-the-line maintenance services, and THY expanding its reach and reputation as a leading provider of aircraft maintenance services.

THY has a long history of providing aircraft maintenance services, and has built a reputation for its high-quality, reliable services. The airline's maintenance facility in Istanbul is one of the largest in the world, and is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide a wide range of maintenance and repair services to airlines from around the world.

This new partnership with Emirates Airlines is just the latest in a series of initiatives by THY to expand its presence in the global aviation market. The airline has been investing heavily in new technology and equipment, and has been working to build partnerships with other airlines to provide a wider range of services to customers around the world.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Wealth Fund prepares recovery plan for Turkish Airlines

Turkey Assets Fund (TVF) corona virus which is one of the worst affected companies from the epidemic and in the process revenue hit by Turkish Airlines (THY) with a capital support or funding had been negotiating for the program to be provided.

According to the information provided by the sources, discussions are continuing about the method of the recovery program, but it is not yet clear which method will be used and the amount of the program.

TVF did not comment on the subject, and there was no reply from THY at the time of writing. The cessation of travel due to the Corona virus epidemic hit THY's balance sheet. The company lost 2.23 billion liras in the second quarter.

Trying to reduce costs, Turkish Airlines made an agreement with Hava-İş Union in August on a 30-50% reduction in employee wages until the end of 2021.

A source close to Threads recently with Turkey Assets Fund THY that intensify their negotiations on a recovery program, said: "TVF summer, mainly transport and tourism in Turkey did a study to support the company in great difficult. It is clear that THY also needs a rescue program. This can be a capital support or a financial support ”. Turkey Assets Fund has 49.12% share in the total capital of TL 1.4 billion with thyme.

Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak stated in his speech at the YEP meeting this week that the recovery in areas such as tourism, transportation and services has not reached the desired level yet.

Two senior officials close to the subject in Turkey with Turkish Airlines Fund's assets on a recovery program that specifying a qualified opinion, 'as in the example of some Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa efforts to rescue the financial difficulties. Some sort of capital transfer or financing will be possible. Currently, negotiations are held for this and opinions on the method are being evaluated.
During the corona virus outbreak, airline companies suffered very serious revenue losses due to the cessation of flights. Many airlines around the world have fired a large number of employees while reducing capacity by divesting their aircraft.

The German government recently prepared a $ 10 billion rescue package for Lufthansa, which was said to lay off more than 1,000 pilots. Similarly, Air France-KLM, one of the world's major airlines, received billions of euros in government support. Global airlines trying to reduce costs are thus preparing their balance sheets for the winter months where the corona virus epidemic is expected to accelerate.

According to THY's August data, the number of passengers decreased by 64.6%, while the passenger load factor dropped by 17.2 points to 67.6%. According to the information given in the investor teleconference held after THY's second quarter results, the company's monthly cash burn amounted to $ 300-350 million, while the company had $ 1.7 billion in cash.

At the same meeting, CEO İlker Aycı pointed out that some of the credit facilities allocated to THY by banks have not yet been used and stated that their hands are very comfortable until the first quarter of 2021.

Monday, November 26, 2018

THY will receive 2 thousand 600 staff

THY General Manager Bilal Ekşi: "THY will expand its fleet to nearly a thousand pilots and 600 cabin officers will be recruited next year. Let's raise the bar with young people. If we grow more at Istanbul Airport, we will need more staff, "he said.

THY  General Manager Bilal Ekdi , the company will expand the fleet next year, a thousand pilots, 600 thousand officers will be taken. 

Eksi, AA correspondent, said THY, depending on the growth of the cockpit every year and the other units said that the staff recruit. 
41 new aircraft will come to THY in 2019 and some of the aircraft will come out of the fleet expressing Ekşi, depending on the expansion of the fleet next year thousand pilots, thousand 600 cabin officers will be procured said. Ekşi, "Especially young friends, both ours and our affiliates to follow the web sites, and apply to apply for job ads. Let's raise the bar of the aviation industry with young people." said.

Ekşi added that Turkish Airlines maintained its growth and added: 
"The companies that serve us are taking more and more staff, especially due to the spatial size of İstanbul Airport. If we grow more at Istanbul Airport, our biggest goal is this, we will need more staff. "

Istanbul Airport in the Turkish civil aviation "to fly" voicing sour, everyone told us that because of the new havalimanıyla pride should not contribute to Turkey.


Some of the permits were taken from Ankara to travel abroad from Rome to London, Baghdad and Baku, indicating that works are still being carried out for some permits.

According to the protocol signed between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkish Airlines, Ekşi pointed to the fact that they set a strategy for direct flights from Antalya to Antalya. 
Istanbul will continue to be the main "hub" striking Ekşi, "Ankara as the second hub, while the tourism hub in Antalya will be." he said.

Mr. Ekşi emphasized that the number of voyages to the cities in question will increase after a certain saturation is reached and they expect that this period will take place within a few years. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Turkish Airlines CEO named as Turkcell CEO

Turkcell announced that the General Manager of the Public Disclosure Platform announced that Sureyya Civil separated from the task. Instead Civil THY General Manager Temel Kotil expected to arrive.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tk 2151

Türk Hava Yolları'nın TK2151 sefer sayılı Ankara-İstanbul yolcu uçağı, havalanmak üzere burnunu kaldırdığı anda fren yaptı. Aprona dönen uçaktaki yolcuların endişeli bekleyişi ilk anonsla yerini şaşkınlığa bıraktı: Kule tavsiyesi üzerine en yüksek hızdan geri döndük. İkinci anons sonrası ise neredeyse tüm yolcular aynı tepkiyi verdi: Ölümden dönmüşüz. Yaşanan gerilimden fotoğrafları Emre Ünlü çekti. Endişeli geçen saatlerden sonra yolculara yeni bir uçak tahsis etti. Yolcular uçakta yerini aldığında yeni bir tehlike yaşanmasın diye dua etti. Türk Hava Yolları'nın 15:00'te havalanması gereken TK2151 sefer sayılı Ankara-İstanbul yolcu uçağı, havalanmak üzereyken kalkışını son anda iptal etti. Aprona dönen uçaktaki yolcular bir süre panik içinde bekledi. EN YÜKSEK HIZDAN GERİ DÖNÜLDÜ Bir süre sonra pilotun anonsu duyuldu: Kule tavsiyesi üzerine en yüksek hızdan geri döndük. Bu anons sonrası uçakta şaşkınlık ve panik yaşandı. Uçakta, saat 14:00'te yapılması gereken ancak kuş sürüleri tehlike yarattığı için iptal edilen Ankara-İstanbul seferi yolcularının olması ve ikinci iptali yaşamaları huzursuzluğu arttırdı.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Original Fleet of Turkish Airlines

Did you know that our original fleet comprised of only 2 King Birds, 2 Junkers F 13s and an ATH9?

Monday, June 23, 2014

THY 'nin 1 Gunu

National Geographic Channel Turkey ve Türk Hava Yolları bugün, havayolunun günlük çalışmasının ilk kez kameralara açılacağını bir prodüksiyona başlayacaklarını duyurdu. Bu işbirliği Türk Hava Yolları'nın transfer merkezinin arkasında yatan yoğun operasyonu izleyicilerle buluşturmak için NGC ve Türk Hava Yolları gibi iki şirketi bir araya getirdi. Medyatava'da yer alan habere göre; çalışmalarına yakın zamanda başlanacak olan yapım dünyada en fazla ülkeye uçuş sağlayan ve Skytrax Passenger Choice Ödülleri tarafından son üç yıldır Avrupa'nın en iyi havayolu şirketi ilan edilen Türk Hava Yolları'nın günlük operasyonunun perde arkasını mercek altına alacak.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

THY Ucuyor!

Türk Hava Yolları'nın (THY) Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu'nda (KAP) yer alan Ocak-Mart dönemi trafik verilerine göre, Ocak-Mart 2013 döneminde 10 milyon olan toplam yolcu sayısı, 2014 yılının aynı döneminde yüzde 20,2 artışla 12 milyona ulaştı. Yolcu sayısındakiartış iç hatlarda yüzde 27,9, dış hatlarda ise yüzde 15,1 oranında gerçekleşti.

Dış Hatlar Business/Comfort Class yolcu sayısı ve dıştan dışa transferyolcu sayılarında da Ocak-Mart 2013 dönemine kıyasla yüzde 16,9 ve yüzde 26,8 artış sağlandı. Yolcu doluluk oranı 0,3 puan düşüşle yüzde 77,7 oldu.

Toplam arz edilen koltuk km (AKK), Ocak-Mart 2013 döneminde 25 milyar iken, 2014 yılının aynı döneminde yüzde 21,5 artarak 30,4 milyara ulaştı. AKK artışı iç hat uçuşlarda yüzde 34,1, dış hat uçuşlarda yüzde 19,7 oranında gerçekleşti. Ücretli yolcu km (ÜYK), Ocak-Mart 2013 döneminde 19,5 milyar iken, 2014 yılının aynı döneminde yüzde 21 artarak 23,6 milyara ulaştı. ÜYK artışı iç hat uçuşlarda yüzde 35, dış hat uçuşlarda yüzde 19,1 oldu.

Konma sayısı, Ocak-Mart 2013 döneminde 77 bin 887 iken, 2014 yılının aynı döneminde yüzde 20,7 artışla 93 bin 979'a yükseldi. Kargo-Posta, Ocak-Mart 2013 döneminde 123 bin 608 ton iken, 2014 yılının aynı döneminde yüzde 26,7 artışla 156 bin 662 tona yükseldi. 2013 Mart ayı sonunda toplam uçulan şehir sayısı 219 iken 2014 Mart ayı sonunda 246 oldu.

İç hat şehir sayısı 36'dan 43'e, dış hat şehir sayısı ise 183'ten 203'e yükseldi. 2013 Mart ayı sonunda mevcut uçak sayısı 215 iken 2014 Mart ayı sonunda 241 oldu. Geniş gövde yolcu uçak sayısı 37'den 43'e, dar gövde yolcu uçak sayısı ise 169'dan 189'a yükseldi.

Friday, January 31, 2014

THY Makes you Fly Everywhere

  Whenever you’re ready to seek that new opportunity, we’re ready to take you there. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Turkish Airlines Broke Its Own Record

urkish Airlines living legend Kobe Bryant NBA's biggest star of green areas shown as Lionel Messi, played leading roles in the advertising film has attracted great interest. THY plane tours the world with two superstars and their commercials taunting each other, bilateral come together in Istanbul.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thy'den Yeni Isbirligi

Türk Hava Yolları Avustralyalı havayolu şirketi Jetstar ile işbirliği anlaşması imzaladı. Bu anlaşma kapsamında THY'nin Avustralya'da uçmadığı noktalara Jetstar Airways ile Singapur üzerinden bağlantılı uçuş imkanı sunulacak.

THY'den yapılan açıklamada:

Avustralya havayolu Jetstar Airways ile özel iş birliği anlaşması imzalandı. 1 Temmuz itibarıyla geçerli olan anlaşmaya sayesinde Türk Hava Yolları'nın Avustralya, Yeni Zelanda ve Uzakdoğu’da sefer düzenlemediği noktalara seyahat etmek isteyen yolcularımıza Jetstar Airways ile Singapur üzerinden bağlantılı uçuş imkanı sağlanıyor.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Turkish Airlines Airbus APRIL ORDERS

According to figures released by the organization in April, a total of 83 Turkish Airlines has ordered 82 of them receiving. If you order from an unnamed private customer ACJ319 other brand company was jet.
According to a statement by Turkish Airlines orders 57 A320 family of single-aisle aircraft with new engine versioned A321ceo 25 (current engine option) airplanes included. Turkish Airlines, Airbus had made the order on March 15 for the description of the container.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Melbourne awaits THY to launch direct flights

The Australian state of Victoria’s capital Melbourne eyes becoming a new destination of Turkey’s national carrier company, Turkish Airlines, says Victorian government minister Louise Asher