Monday, November 26, 2018

THY will receive 2 thousand 600 staff

THY General Manager Bilal Ekşi: "THY will expand its fleet to nearly a thousand pilots and 600 cabin officers will be recruited next year. Let's raise the bar with young people. If we grow more at Istanbul Airport, we will need more staff, "he said.

THY  General Manager Bilal Ekdi , the company will expand the fleet next year, a thousand pilots, 600 thousand officers will be taken. 

Eksi, AA correspondent, said THY, depending on the growth of the cockpit every year and the other units said that the staff recruit. 
41 new aircraft will come to THY in 2019 and some of the aircraft will come out of the fleet expressing Ekşi, depending on the expansion of the fleet next year thousand pilots, thousand 600 cabin officers will be procured said. Ekşi, "Especially young friends, both ours and our affiliates to follow the web sites, and apply to apply for job ads. Let's raise the bar of the aviation industry with young people." said.

Ekşi added that Turkish Airlines maintained its growth and added: 
"The companies that serve us are taking more and more staff, especially due to the spatial size of İstanbul Airport. If we grow more at Istanbul Airport, our biggest goal is this, we will need more staff. "

Istanbul Airport in the Turkish civil aviation "to fly" voicing sour, everyone told us that because of the new havalimanıyla pride should not contribute to Turkey.


Some of the permits were taken from Ankara to travel abroad from Rome to London, Baghdad and Baku, indicating that works are still being carried out for some permits.

According to the protocol signed between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Turkish Airlines, Ekşi pointed to the fact that they set a strategy for direct flights from Antalya to Antalya. 
Istanbul will continue to be the main "hub" striking Ekşi, "Ankara as the second hub, while the tourism hub in Antalya will be." he said.

Mr. Ekşi emphasized that the number of voyages to the cities in question will increase after a certain saturation is reached and they expect that this period will take place within a few years. 

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