Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MH370. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2015

MH 370 Can be Found!

Malaysian Ministry of Transport announced on March 8, 2014 MH370 lost flight number of passenger aircraft can be found in the Indian Ocean.

MH370 flight number after a period of Malaysia Airlines passenger plane disappeared from radar in Vietnamese airspace. The statement made by the Malaysian Ministry of Transport, despite not being able to report a year from the Boeing 777 airliner were expressed can be found in the Indian Ocean. In a statement Liow Tiong Lai relevant Malaysian Transport Minister, stressing that they hide any details about the flight authorities, passengers and 12 crew during the flight 227 passenger aircraft, he said, can still be found in the search operation.

On the other hand, in a statement issued earlier this week, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia reportedly will I came to the search operation using a new method.

March 8, 2014 the date of the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur from a passenger plane taking off to go to Beijing lost in Vietnamese airspace. Despite launched search operation after the incident could not find any trace of the plane

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Malaysia to release MH370 data

MALAYSIA will release satellite data used to narrow down the search for the missing MH370 jetliner.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Minisub to be launched in search for Malaysia Airlines jet

SEARCHERS will send a robotic minisub into the depths of the Indian Ocean to hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, after failing to detect further black box signals.

Search coodinator Angus Houston said the 4.9m long Bluefin 21 autonomous underwater vehicle would begin 24 hour missions “as soon as possible’’, scouring the ocean floor in a “reduced and manageable” saerch area.

Searchers are also testing an oil slick found in the search area, although analysis would take several days to complete.

The move comes on day 38 of the search for flight MH370, which went missing on March 8 and which is assumed to have crashed into the Indian Ocean.

It also comes amid mounting evidence that the batteries in the plane’s all-important black boxes - which have a guaranteed life of 30 days - may finally have died.