Showing posts with label MH 370 Mystery Solved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MH 370 Mystery Solved. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

MH370:Scientist Solved the Mysterious Phenomena

Mathematicians from Texas A & M University in Qatar, has put forward a theory that sheds light on one of history's most mysterious phenomena of civil aviation. Scientists exited after 20 minutes way from Malaysia to China's missing plane, nose voiced the hypothesis that higher sea pebbles.

According to this scenario; MH370 aboard the plane, lies at the foot of the Indian Ocean with 239 people inside.

'He tore HORIZONTAL falling down'

March 8 2014, the search for the missing plane, despite an operation carried out with the participation of many countries did not give any results. Teorisyon conspiracy was not idle during this period. "Kidnapped Aliens," "The terrorists hid" and "Passengers were used in scientific experiments" such scenarios were shared in abundance in social media. A team from Texas A & M University, has conducted a scientific study on the subject.

Prof. According to Chen, Goong; had fallen into the sea at an angle to the horizontal plane was definitely broken. The parts detached from the body resurfaces and draw the attention of the search team. Boeing 777 aircraft gravel suggesting that 90-degree angle to the sea Chen, "So the body was in one piece and sink into the water in a few minutes," he says.