Showing posts with label F16 Unmanned Flying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F16 Unmanned Flying. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015

Unmanned F16 to Ready to Fly

USA, manufacturer of unmanned combat aircraft that can be controlled by an operator on the ground were ordered Boeing 126 cars.
Boeing F-16 fighter aircraft produced by pilotless drone of recently (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) will take place.
2414 miles per hour and can reach a maximum of 50 thousand feet high that can fly unmanned combat aircraft can be controlled remotely by an operator on the ground.
3902 km range, which is prepared to add to its fleet of 126 vehicles out of unmanned US Air Force (USAF), which reached base in Frorida 6 is preparing to begin test flights flown recently.
Compared to unmanned drone F-16s will have more firepower.
US drone attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq draws response for many years in countries such as the applicant on the grounds that cause civilian casualties