Kaspersky Lab researchers have identified a new crypto money miner named #PowerGhost. This new miner is targeting #corporate #networks in many regions, especially in #Latin #America. PowerGhost was the latest example of the tendency of#cybercriminals to use miners for income. As this trend grows, corporate companies will continue to be at risk. While miners are charging criminals for their pockets, they sabotage and slow down the corporate networks of corporate companies, damaging all business processes.
#Crypto #money #miners have become one of the most talked-about topics in cyber security. These special "mining" software generate new money using the victim's computers and the processing power of their mobile devices. The harmful miners do this through other users, unaware of the power of their computers and devices. As demonstrated by Kaspersky Lab's previous research, this threat has increased at a rapid pace in recent months and has taken over the ransom software. However, PowerGhost adds a new dimension to this trend. As predicted by researchers at Kaspersky Lab, harmful mining developers are turning to targeted attacks to make more money.
The miner is infected with various openings or remote management tools to the machines. When a machine is affected by this threat, the main body of the miner is being downloaded and working without being stored on the hard drive. When this happens, cybercriminals are automatically updating the mine and releasing it to the network. So the crypto money mining process begins.
"PowerGhost's new targets for crypto-mining software are targeting businesses to install miners," Kaspersky Lab Vulnerability Analyst Vladas Bulavas said. The miner we investigate shows that it is no longer sufficient to target only the users and that the cybercriminals turn their attention to corporate companies. This makes crypto money mining a threat to the business world. "
Kaspersky Lab products identify this threat with the following names:
PDM: trojan.win32.generic
PDM: exploit.win32.generic
HEUR: trojan.win32.generic
not-a-virus: HEUR: The risktool.win32.bitminer.gen
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