Thursday, May 28, 2015

Virgin Australia grants five-year-old's pilot wishes

Alex was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour and when his parents approached the charity they teamed up with Virgin Australia to make his ultimate wish come true – to meet some pilots and sit in the cockpit.  Image from Virgin Australia The airline flew Alex and his family to Brisbane to visit the Boeing Training Facility and spend some time in the Virgin flight simulators. Alex met with pilots Danny Vickers and Andy Bower and got to go into the cockpit on one of the E-Jet simulators at the training facility.  Image from Virgin Australia “Starlight Children’s Foundation grants almost 500 wishes a year to seriously ill children, and more than half of these involve family travel, made possible by the continued generosity of Virgin Australia as our official wishgranting partner,” said Louise Baxter from Starlight. “Alexander’s Starlight Wish for a pilot experience provided a wonderful opportunity for us to work together to create an extra special holiday for Alexander and his family. We continue to be so very grateful for the wonderful efforts of the Virgin Australia team and all they do to help brighten the lives of seriously ill children.”  Image from Virgin Australia Over 300 Starlight wishes involved flying last year were made possible by Virgin Australia as a Wishgranting Partner and the Starlight Children’s Foundation has become an important part of enlightening the lives of seriously ill children

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