Monday, July 28, 2014

Name Changing Option for Malaysia Airlines

Malaysia Airlines in March, and there are still question marks about the tragedy with a MH370 and recently reduced by supporters in Ukraine Russian passenger plane with flight number MH17 then 'name change' option was on the agenda. Malaysia Airlines Commercial Director Hugh Dunleavy said in a statement to the British Sunday Telegraph newspaper, the Malaysian government assessments about the future of the company, he said. The company's largest shareholder, the Government of Malaysia, to work on this issue after the disaster accelerated MH17. Dunleavy, indicating that a lot of options on the table, both for themselves as well as other airlines have signaled they could go to a new formation. Dunleavy also, airline companies, outside of their control that should not be held liable for errors underlined. Dunleavy, "MH17 showed us all that the sky is not safe," he said.

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