Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Minisub to be launched in search for Malaysia Airlines jet

SEARCHERS will send a robotic minisub into the depths of the Indian Ocean to hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, after failing to detect further black box signals.

Search coodinator Angus Houston said the 4.9m long Bluefin 21 autonomous underwater vehicle would begin 24 hour missions “as soon as possible’’, scouring the ocean floor in a “reduced and manageable” saerch area.

Searchers are also testing an oil slick found in the search area, although analysis would take several days to complete.

The move comes on day 38 of the search for flight MH370, which went missing on March 8 and which is assumed to have crashed into the Indian Ocean.

It also comes amid mounting evidence that the batteries in the plane’s all-important black boxes - which have a guaranteed life of 30 days - may finally have died.

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